Not quite sure of where,
when or how I should
My mind is a place of
pleasant and disastrous
So many words and visions
sometimes seem trapped inside
this dome,
Wanting so much to be read,
heard and seen for only than
can they let go of the title
A place filled with fantasies
and dreams that may or may
not come true,
At times chaos, destruction
and violence may pass through.
It's a place where all of life's
heartaches, bumps and bruises
are stored away,
Also at least one cherished
memory of one happy
A place where thoughts of
death and eternal life fight
constantly to win,
A place where Yes, can
remember a time when being
taken over by the lustful
demon of sin.
It's a place so complex and
thought to be insane,
It's nothing more than a
master piece that GOD put
together and called a
One day the world will know
all about the secrets that right
now are confined,
For it will never be forgotten
but forever recorded here in
My Mind.
This was one of the hardest poems I wrote. Written today, it was a task to try and take someone into my mind. To try and some up 34 years in a few words needless to say, very difficult. Hope all the readers enjoy and would really like feedback on this one. Thanks and may God bless.